Let’s Lower the Temperature of Political Infighting (pun intended)

Here’s how you can do your part this Thanksgiving.

It’s almost Thanksgiving here in the US, traditionally a time to pause, reflect on what we’re grateful for and express our appreciation. 

I’d like to thank the readers of The Instigator for all of your engagement with us. You keep us on our toes, regularly challenge our positions, and always help us improve. You give positive feedback too, which we appreciate. That was our experience following our last issue, in which we suggested folks cross divides by focusing on practical climate solutions. We were delighted by your positive response. It reinforced our view that people are looking for ways to get things done and that pragmatism is our best bet for moving forward. 

I’m also grateful for last week’s midterm elections results in the US. The outcomes demonstrated voters’ desire for problems solved, not arguments won. 

But perhaps what we liked most over the past week was hearing how Instigator readers are practicing what we preach. You’re working to lessen divisive and unproductive partisanship by focusing instead on addressing environmental challenges in practical and inclusive ways. 

So we hope you’ll indulge us while we share another timely opportunity to keep the momentum going — addressing the biodiversity challenge.